In addition to your general contracting license, there are additional licenses you can obtain by getting educated and passing exams. There are three different types of electrical licenses you can obtain: master, journeyman or residential.

UT Contractors LicenseUnder a master electrician license you are eligible to design, plan, install, alter, repair or change electrical conductors, fixtures and appliances. A journeyman electrician can install, alter, repair or add to electrical conductors and fixtures, but does not possess the skill to design and layout the project. A residential master electrician is someone who can train and properly plan, layout and supervise the wiring, installation, and repair of electrical apparatus and equipment for light, heat, power and other purposes on residential projects where the voltage does not exceed 250 volts line to line and 125 volts to ground.

To become a plumbing contractor, candidates must pass the Journeyman exam and the business and law exam. The business and law exam is the standard exam all contractors are required to take in order to obtain a general contracting license. Even if you are obtaining a license through reciprocity, the business and law exam is still required to be passed. To obtain a supplementary plumbing license, you will need four years of full-time apprentice training or eight years of full-time Division-approved work experience. With a plumbing license, you can either be a journeyman plumber or a residential journeyman plumber. Being a plumber requires the performance of any mechanical work pertaining to the installation, alteration, change, repair, removal, maintenance, or use in building or within three feet beyond the outside walls of buildings of pipes, fixtures and fittings for delivery of the water supply, discharge of liquid and water carried waste or the building drainage system within the walls of the building. It also includes work pertaining to the water supply, distribution pipes, fixtures, and fixture traps, the soil, waste and vent pipes.

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