Utah Contractor Licensing Services
A1 Contractor Services, LLC is your trusted partner for Utah contractor licensing services, ensuring a smooth process for obtaining a Utah state contractor license.
Our Utah contractor licensing services includes:
Contractor License, Replace Qualifying Party, Additional Classification Application Processing Includes Extension Requests
License Renewals and Reciprocity Verifications
Online Exam Prep, Study Programs, and Sample Questions for the Utah State Contractors License Exam
Document Filing, Retrieval, Registered Agent Service, and Corporate Filings with the Utah Division of Corporations
Out of State License Verification for Trade Reciprocity
Corporation Revival, Including Tax Filings, Annual Report Filings, and Name Changes
DOPL Over-The-Counter Services Includes Personnel Changes and Classification Determination Requests
Home Services Contractor (HSC) Registration
Immediate Family and Additional Classification Waiver Requests
Get Started Today
Contact us and we’ll ease the stress of dealing with state agencies to get your State Contractors License from the Contractors License Board.
Decades of Licensing Experience
Complete and Concise Application Processing with Competitive Pricing
Valuable Time Saving Service For Licensing Contractors and Sub-Contractors
Easing the Stress of Dealing with State Agencies
Quality of Service Guaranteed
State Contractor Exam Preparation
Contact Us Now!
How to get a Utah contractor License
All Utah Contractor License applicants must pass the Utah Contractor Business – Law Examination.
To qualify for a Utah state contractors license in General Engineering, General Building, Roofing, Masonry, Steel Erection, Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, and Fire Suppression classifications, the applicant must document full-time related experience as an employee of a licensed contractor, two years of which shall be in a supervisory or managerial position under the direct supervision of the licensed contractor. Read below for specific Utah Contractors License Requirements.
Journeyman Electrical Requirements
If you are applying to take the journeyman electrician examinations, submit an official transcript showing your successful completion of an approved apprenticeship program AND a completed “Employer’s Verification Form” (attached to this application) from each of your supervising licensed master or journeyman electricians documenting at least 4 years (8,000 hours) of supervised work experience as a licensed apprentice electrician. OR Submit a completed “Employer’s Verification Form” from each of your supervising licensed master or journeyman electrician(s) documenting at least 8 years (16,000 hours) of supervised legal practical experience in wiring, installing, and repairing electrical apparatus and equipment for light, heat, and power.
Journeyman Plumber Requirements
Submit an official transcript showing successful completion of an approved apprenticeship program AND a completed “Employer’s Verification Form” (attached to this application) from each of your supervising licensed master or journeyman plumber(s) documenting at least 6,000 of the 8,000 hours of required training as a licensed apprentice plumber in not less than 4 years. If you submit documentation of 6,000 hours, you will be approved to take the examinations but you must submit documentation of 2,000 hours of additional experience before applying for licensure. OR Submit a completed “Employer’s Verification Form” from each of your supervising licensed master or journeyman plumber(s) documenting at least 8 years (16,000) hours of required supervised legal practical experience.
Reciprocal Agreements
Utah has endorsement for certain license classifications with Arizona, California, Louisiana, Nevada and South Carolina. The license has to be held in the endorsement state for the Utah work experience requirement.
A1 Contractor Services will provide:
- Completed application required by the Utah Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing.
- Assistance with Affidavit of Qualifying experience and providing a sample detail for the trade classification.
- Register the corporation with the State of Utah Department of Commerce including resident agent service.
- Help obtain an Utah State Tax Id Number.
- Provide a two-day classroom study course for the law & trade exams in Salt Lake City.
- Obtain a sealed licensed verification for reciprocity.
- Submit application to the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing.
- Additional Services;
- Registered Agent Service
- Journeyman Electrical Certification
- journeyman Plumbing Certification
- Replace Qualifier
- Address Change
- City/County Business license
- Permit Information
If you are in need of a Utah contractor license contact us today. We’re an experienced contractors license Utah assistance company with competitive pricing. Contact us today and we’ll ease the stress of dealing with state agencies to get your contractors license in Utah.