Contactors License
California Contractor Licensing Services

California Contractor Licensing Services

Advertising Guidelines for California Contractors

Contractor license in California tips and guidelines for advertising:

  • Include your license number in anything that might be considered advertising.
  • Don’t use false or misleading advertising or advertise a price or service you don’t intend to honor.
  • Don’t advertise to do work you’re not licensed to perform.
  • Don’t advertise about bonding.
  • When advertising asbestos removal services, be sure to include your asbestos certification and registration numbers along with your business name and license number.
  • Notify CSLB whenever you see advertising for an unlicensed contractor.

Advertising—What Is It?

You already know about advertising in newspapers, magazines, and on radio and television airwaves but, for licensed contractors, advertising is more than that.

It’s also:

  • Your business card;
  • Any contract proposal;
  • Lettering on your trucks and other vehicles;
  • Any sign or billboard identifying you or your company as a contractor;
  • Any electronic transmission, including your company’s website content;
  • Any soliciting brochure, pamphlet, circular, or Internet ad you or anyone else posts or distributes;
  • Any clothing or giveaway items that include your company name or logo; and
  • Any directory or listing that states or implies you are a contractor requesting or looking for the kind of work that requires a contractor license under California Contractors License Law

False Advertising

It is a misdemeanor to use false, misleading, or deceptive advertising to induce clients to enter into home improvement or other improvement contracts if the public might be mislead or injured (B&P Section 7161). It is also illegal to include in an ad for home or other improvements any false, deceptive, or misleading assertions or representations you don’t intend to honor. (Ads subject to and in compliance with Federal Trade Commission rules and regulations shall not be deemed false, deceptive, or misleading.)

If you are in need of a contractor license in California and want contractor license Prep, contact us today. We’re an experienced contractor license in California assistance company with competitive pricing. Contact us today and we’ll ease the stress of dealing with state agencies to get your California State Contractors License from the California Contractors License Board.

Get Started Today

Call (916) 394-1601

Contact us and we’ll ease the stress of dealing with state agencies to get your State Contractors License from the Contractors License Board.


Decades of Licensing Experience


Complete and Concise Application Processing with Competitive Pricing


Valuable Time Saving Service For Licensing Contractors and Sub-Contractors


Easing the Stress of Dealing with State Agencies


Quality of Service Guaranteed


State Contractor Exam Preparation

Contact Us Now!

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